Monday, May 24, 2010

Emma turns 6! - Adrian, Michigan Children's Photographer

Some kids (people for that matter) are just natural in front of the camera. When I say that, I mean this little gal can go from posing to just being absolutely her self in .01 seconds and that makes for some awesome shots! The first time I photographed Emma, I came back to edit the images and was BLOWN away with how beautifully she photographed. As usual... this session was NO different!

Six a wonderful age and an age that I really enjoy doing pictures for. They are still carefree and don't have that barrier of what to do/not to do in front of the camera. LOVE it!

Emma, I can't believe you are already SIX!!! Happy Birthday Sweets!

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Located in Tecumseh, Michigan Serving the surrounding areas, MICHIGAN, United States
On Location, Natural Light Photography As well as Studio (in Tecumseh, MI)
