Sunday, February 15, 2009

Another wonderful Valentines Day

This shot was purely for selfish reasons... I wanted to use this little "love" sign that I found and of course HAD to have! She did exactly what I wanted her to it was like she knew I wanted her to hold it right out there for me! AWWWW!

It's no secret Valentines Day is my favorite day of the year! Little Miss Megan who won my contest was an absolute joy to photograph. I am so blessed that I get to call this "work". I just went over and played with the kiddos and got some great shots of Megan. I was a little skeptical how these would come out because lighting was extremely challenging, however... I think they turned out great! I love this little beauties lashes!

I am sooo anxious for more breaks in the weather. I can't stand the fact that I am having to deal with less than optimal light situations... it really puts me back in that place where I feel like my creativity is so stifled... but I know it's coming soon and then i'll be able to say... IM BACK!!!

Thank you so much Megan and family for such a great shoot. It was completely fun just to hang out and play with the little muchkin! I can't believe how active she is and such a happy girl!

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Located in Tecumseh, Michigan Serving the surrounding areas, MICHIGAN, United States
On Location, Natural Light Photography As well as Studio (in Tecumseh, MI)
