Thursday, August 11, 2011

Checking in!

Once again... I can't believe it's been so long since I have blogged! This time of year, things get crazy busy with photography and my head starts to spin a bit... it requires a few deep breaths and the realization that I WILL get it all done... maybe not as quickly as I would hope, but eventually.

Here are some sneak peeks from recent sessions! Enjoy :)

Those of you looking to schedule fall sessions, please consider doing so soon. My fall schedule is filling QUICKLY! Don't forget to consider fall sessions as your Christmas Card photos too! No, it's not too soon to think of those ;)

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About Me

My photo
Located in Tecumseh, Michigan Serving the surrounding areas, MICHIGAN, United States
On Location, Natural Light Photography As well as Studio (in Tecumseh, MI)
