Saturday, August 23, 2008

Not fair!

This was just one of those photo shoots where we just instantly hit it off. Angie was referred to me by my best client Teresa ;-) from Salon Breathe. Some clients just make my job so fun and easy that it just doesn't feel like this should be work, this maternity session was just that! Angie was up for absolutely anything for her shoot and we definitely got some great shots!

Seriously, is it even remotely fair when some women look this beautiful when they are 8 months + pregnant? Not even ONE stretch mark had to be edited on her belly. Stunning! I was going through all of these pictures editing them the other night and I honestly think you should have been a pregnant model! She definitely has that pregnancy glow! Little Mr. Ashton will be here sometime within the next month or so! Can't wait to meet him!

Any of you mommy to be's out there considering a maternity session, but just feel like ugh, I don't want pictures of me pregnant..... that was how I felt... I am NOT cute pregnant person. However... I will be the first to tell you that you really should think about it because these pictures only get better with time. The sentimental value that maternity photos have for people cannot be over estimated. I really wish I had some good pictures of me pregnant for my kids. Not because I like pics of myself, quite the contrary, I perfer to be BEHIND the camera. However, as I look back now at pictures of myself that are just snapshots from my pregnancy days, I really wish I could have captured some just for memory's sake. It really is such a short yet special period of time in your life and it's gone just like that. So again mommy's-to-be.... call for your maternity session! I promise you won't be disappointed.

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Located in Tecumseh, Michigan Serving the surrounding areas, MICHIGAN, United States
On Location, Natural Light Photography As well as Studio (in Tecumseh, MI)
